La couronne de mimosa

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A mimosa  crownto keep the best of late winter This year the mimosa is everywhere and brightening up our homes.

It is blooming in France at the moment and you can still find a lot of them in florists and at markets.

This is the opportunity to take advantage of it to preserve it beautifully and why not offer it to your children's grandmothers!


To make a mimosa crown or other flowers you will need

- thick enough florist's wire

- very thin florist's wire florist's

- tape secateurs scissors

- 1 nice bunch of mimosa


Make a wreath out of thick wire. Wrap the wire around itself 4 times, creating a circle of the size you choose. Then cover it with florist's tape.


Cut small pieces of mimosa adapted to the size of the wreath. Here one large and one small. Attach the small pieces of mimosa to the wreath with the very thin wire until they go all the way around the wreath.


When your crown is finished, it is up to you to choose where to hang it or place it for best enjoyment. 


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